Thursday, August 16, 2007

Birkenstock Raspberry Patent Madrid 39N

In my recent spree, I have a stranger wanting to purchase this pair of Pink Raspberry Madrid. Nearing the payment dates, she became uncontactable and just when I was about to cancel her order, her sister emailed me to say that the girl was in hospital for dengue and would pay me when she came out, asking if i would advance payment for her first. I said no, cos firstly it was a stranger and secondly the shoe is not $10 -20 bucks.. its $70bucks. So i said no, asking her to pay up for her sis first. But she said that when the girl came out she would pay me. I thought about it for some time and decided, okay there isnt any reason why she would trick me since she doesnt gain ... so i decided to trust her and pay first.
Who knows, now that she is going to pay me and the birks have arrived waiting for her collection, she tells me that her dad is in hospital for heart problem and she wont have any allowance from now on so she cannot pay me.
It sounds very bad but I understand if that is a true matter - it is going to be difficult for you, but the fact is you have spent this money and what do u expect me to be? charity? if you have no money then dont buy!
Anyway the point is:
if you know anyone in that size, who is keen, please let me know.
This pair is going for $70. I havent even opened it from the box! Its not my size I cant even wear it so you can be sure that its brand new.
It doesnt pay to trust strangers even though they may appear pitiful.


Rin Ang said...


I read about your post. Sorry about that..

Anyway, i'm looking for this patent madrid raspberry birkenstock and I understand that you're doing sprees for birkenstock..

Wanted to check with you if you carry other sizes for this model? (Im size 36) Hope to hear from you soon!

You can reach me via email @

Thanks and hope to hear from you soon! ((:

Warmest Regards,

Amanda said...

hey there, thanks for leaving a note!
ive checked for u - this patent style is not continued anymore in pink.
they have it in orange.. black.. red... white. yeah thats about it :) i do have a spree going on right now, if u or ur friends would like to join & order - feel free to mail me :)

Unknown said...

just ran a search in Google for my new pair and found the patent Madrid ones in an array of colors on sale at for 35% off, so I ordered my pair already (I need wides though..).
But I couldn't find any of the ones with gray leather straps and rhinestone-sparkles on the buckle, they were already sold out on QVC!
Where do you get your Birks??

Thanks, Susanne

Amanda said...

hi susanne,
i believe u are referring to the ballistic anthracite model?

u can get them at, where i organize sprees from. do let me know if u are keen to spree! :)


Anonymous said...

hello there, is ur birkenstocks spree still on? me realli keen! lemme noe @, thanks =))