Bags spree 3 - Seller has not replied me! Am still waiting. Really seek the patience of all of you.. and i will personally contact all of you who have placed your orders via email when the seller decides to reply. . .
Momo spree 1 - Due to the high shipping rates and some advice from other buyers/sprees, I have decided to cancel this spree. Another clothing spree will come soon, but currently I havent yet found a good site that has a low minimum yet cheap and wide variety.
Meanwhile, do note that Birks Sprees are ongoing as usual and the Birks 20th Batch has just arrived today. There will be a mass meetup tmr evening and details have already been sent via sms to all. Please note that those who are unable to make it - I will try to arrange another date but pls dun expect me to be obliged to be in your area. Remember that by default you pay postage but I choose to offer the option of helping u save money by picking it up from where I am in the day.
Thanks all for your understanding and cooperation!